RTMC and other private subsidiaries of RSA (Pty) Ltd
The RTMC (Road Traffic Management Corporation) is not something or someone (as in LEGAL PERSON) that many have heard of or even know exists, deliberately so and hidden in plain sight. Essentially, it replaced the traffic department (a public office) or its position in 2005. The RTMC (a privately owned corporation) states on its website that the traffic department is merely acting on behalf of the RTMC . Further, in terms of The Road Traffic Management Corporation Act 20 of 1999, local registering authorities (licensing centres) must pay the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) a transaction fee for each motorist it processes.
If you receive your notification for a licence disc via mail, have a look at the top right corner of the envelope where the postal stamp used to be. Then proceed to read the RTMC act and other corporate charters (below) concerning them and you will come across, inter alia, sections like this from a national government website and RTMC act chapter 1 section 2 (d):
” phase out, where appropriate, public funding and phase in private sector investment in road traffic matters on a competitive basis “
or chapter 4, section 29 (g) relating to ‘Functions of chief executive officer’ :
(g) promote private sector investment in road traffic by—
(i) the establishment of investment helplines to assist potential investors;
(ii) the publication of investment-related publications;
(iii) holding national or localized conferences;
(iv) Organizing investment contact visits;
(v) initiating contacts with other Ministries, Departments, state-owned enterprises, investment promotion centres and related parties
(vi) collecting. updating and disseminating appropriate promotional and facilitator information; and
(vii) any other appropriate method:
Soon you will find out that almost every single office, department and agency of government has been corporatized and turned into a private business. None of them actually generate massive profits – well some of them do, but not for government – only in a desperate attempt to repay ever growing national debt to the global banking cartel, now at ca. R2.6 trillion or R48,000 per citizen (aka human collateral). On any given day, there are between 100 and 200 traffic-related cases before local magistrates courts, according to some RTMC agents. This is ca. 50% of the summonses issued, the other 50% have already paid their statutory fines, averaging somewhere between R500 and R1000 (stands to be corrected, most recent experience at a traffic court showed fines no lower than R2000) , which, taking all ca. 205 municipalities into account would amount to just over R1 billion per month (or R12 billion p/a). Peanuts compared to the R2.6 trillion national debt, that is why every ticket counts, however small or large the amount. Interesting and according to official figures, government and its auditors want their ‘clients’ to believe RTMC only pocketed a meager R150 million profit during the fiscal year 2016/17.
More importantly, especially for people of RGH exercising their inalienable right to travel and freedom of movement, besides the breach of trust and non-disclosure by government, is the conflict of jurisdictions as well as the absence of any contractual agreement with RTMC, unless you identify as a citizen of RSA (Pty) ltd aka ‘ward of state’. The RTMC and any other now corporate offices were created, sanctioned and legally stamped into existence, behind the citizenry’s back, citizens who never had a great interest in law, finance or politics, citizens who were too busy engaging in consumerism, paying unlawful mortgages and living a life on HP for the last five decades. Complimenting this almost self-inflicted predicament is a representative government and political system the majority of citizens still obey blindly, or if they don’t trust the current government, they pin their hopes on yet another one, a government that is entirely controlled and owned by foreign stake and shareholders, no matter which political party takes the trophy on election day, a government gone rogue and without reigns, but harnessed by its masters. A corporate government, hidden behind titles, offices and legal barriers often referred to as the corporate veil, with limited liability, not accountable, nor responsible. Opposed to a peoples’ government, not for profit, under common law of the land, populated with people in service of the people.
Unfortunately for as long as there are corporate drones and lobbyists like ex-RTMC spokesman Ashref Ismail or current CEO Adv. Makhosini Msibi, there will be little or no change for the people, but forever more change in the corporation’s private pockets. This 2017 article summarizes some astounding figures. All this corporate mollycoddling obviously creates its own problem or infighting, presenting itself here in legal challenges.
Furthermore, consolidating all of the above, when speaking to various agents of the system, i.e. RTMC traffic chiefs, prosecutors, magistrates and other court officials, the first and foremost concern with regards to RGH is always lack or loss of revenue, not road safety or even legitimacy. To worry about a few hundred or thousand lost customers demonstrates the quandary of a situation rather aptly.
Other traffic related corporate agencies are the Road Traffic Infringement Agency (RTIA) and South African National Roads Agency Limited (SANRAL), the AARTO (Administrative Adjudication Of Road Traffic Offences) act has got its own website.
Find below a list of relevant RSA (Pty) ltd legislation, useful to expose the corporate cartels for what they are or reference purposes when dealing with any of their agents.
Road Traffic Management Corporation Act 20 of 1999
South African National Roads Agency Limited and National Roads Act 7 of 1998
South African National Roads Agency Limited and National Roads Amendment Bill (2015)
Administrative Adjudication Of Road Traffic Offences (AARTO) Act 46 of 1998
Administrative Adjudication Of Road Traffic Offences (AARTO) Amendment Act 72 Of 2002
National Road Traffic Act 93 of 1996 & Regulations (highlighted sections)
National Road Traffic Amendment Act 21 of 1999
National Road Traffic Amendment Act 64 of 2008
Road Traffic and Transport Act 22 of 1999
National Land Transport Act 5 of 2009
National Land Transport Amendment Bill (2013)
Road Accident Fund Act 56 of 1996
National Rolling Enforcement Plan (RTMC)
National Road Traffic Law Enforcement Code (NRTLEC)
The Role and Function of the RTMC (A. Ismail and P. Venter)
National Road Traffic Act Regulations (2000)
NRTA Regulations (proposed amendments 2018)
South African Police Service Act 68 of 1995

Another perfect example of how things have gone wrong or away from the people into private pockets, is the corporatization of entire districts, municipalities or cities. Most if not all colonial cities have been profitable businesses right from the onset many centuries ago, an extension of already established business empires, another shop front for capital gain. The Scottish, Dutch, English or Portuguese didn’t set out and sail halfway around the planet for ‘fun & games’ with the natives. They were here for business, not holiday or sunbathing on lovely white beaches. And whoever believes the British or Dutch, who are effectively one and the same company (see Prince William III), returned to their respective puny islands, handing everything and all collectively back to the people, needs more than just a reality check.

Today all of this business is still in the same hands, but well protected, covered and almost hidden under layer upon layer of administration, policies and finance. Although some, like the city of George, are rather blatant in their own publication. Just like the RTMC act, everything points towards corporate structure, private investment and boards of shareholders, seeking returns for themselves and repayment of international loans, rather than benefits for the people. This is how the global debt slavery system has penetrated and infiltrated local and municipal levels.
“ He said in any democracy the people should uphold values, laws and carry the weight of the individual and corporate responsibilities “
“This will allow the justice system to enhance its infrastructure base and it will allow the municipality to administer its by-laws more effectively and by so doing enhance our revenue base,” Naik said
“ She (Mviko) said when an accused person enters a courtroom the persons’ rights needs to be explained because if it is not done, it can be an infringement of the person’s constituational rights and therefore the case can be taken off the court roll. “ (and revenue lost)
“ It is a known fact that George Municipality is well on its way to becoming a Metropolitan City. He said they are driving to get more investment for the city. Botha said the influx of people to George puts enormous strain on the city’s resources and some of the major issues are to implement and apply the city’s By-Laws “ (secure revenue)
“ At first the court will mainly hear traffic offences but will eventually include cases on the contravention of council by-laws and building regulations. The reason for the Municipal Court is to get more cases onto the court roll. “ (secure revenue)
The organized extortion extends right across the board and demographic spectrum, this article of ‘Tourism Update’ specifically highlighting the George area again.

Disturbingly this current and prevailing situation of ever growing debt has been accepted and adapted into general economic policy and behaviour. People in government spending their bribes aka inflated salaries while wielding power and abuse over those they have sworn to serve and protect. Even though financial media reports on these conditions from time to time, but no-one dares to mention the cause or head of the shadow empire, rather an entire nation succumbs to its enslavement, aiming to stabilize the national debt at ca. 57% of the GDP by 2020/21.
The severity becomes even more obvious, depressing and frightening when the so-called national debt increased from $140 billion to $200 billion in less than a year, ticking over at R5000 per second. That is an increase of 45% in one of the wealthiest corporate countries on the planet. And the prognosis, offers no remedy whatsoever, as reported here, merely calculating usury as “debt service cost“.
“Debt-service costs are expected to rise from R183-billion in 2018 to R223-billion by 2021, making government loan repayments the fastest-growing expenditure item, at 11% of the Budget“
“This means that the government would in the next three years be spending more money on paying its debts than on service-delivery priorities such as education, social development and health. “

Note: do not blame the ANC, DA, EFF or any other political party for the above. They just do as they are told; they are policy enforcers for the international creditors. Although if all of the ca. 2.1 million public servants would read and comprehend the above, display some courage and unity rather than the infighting children of parliament, the national debt could be settled within weeks and a true commonwealth established. But the force behind government(s) is worse than the mafia and even Nelson Mandela sold out to them, exchanging his rebellious face for a cloak at the Knights of Malta. No-one knows where RSA would be today if Mandela acted like Castro or Chavez. All we know is, RSA is where it is because he didn’t.